Life After Quitting Gambling

Life After Quitting Gambling Average ratng: 8,7/10 4593 votes

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What worked for me was that I channeled my addiction to poker into something different. I play a lot of chess and train in Brazilian jiu jitsu now. I have not lost my family per se, but I am also a very lonely person. My gambling, as is the case with all compulsive gamblers, began with a few bets on the weekend with very low sums of money. As time progressed, the frequency of the bets got higher along with the amounts. Gambling has a way of sucking you in. All the stories I have heard are similar to mine in their pattern. A life ruined by gambling is not a great life. You will have a lot of pieces to pick up. It will take time from you, as well as money, in addition to robbing you of all of the joy that you have in your life. Gambling addiction is a horrible silent addiction that can become progressively worse. As gambling takes up more and more of the individual’s life, taking care of family responsibilities becomes less important. Many gamblers lose their home, go bankrupt, get arrested for various crimes (embezzlement, fraud, theft, violence, DUIs, etc.), lose their job or source of income, become violent and abusive to family members, lose their.

Basically, you take that thought of gambling, put it into a fire that you imagine in your mind and burn it. It helped deal with the constant desire to gamble. I think it is called the swish pattern. I felt like a junkie coming off drugs, but eventually after a few months my desire to gamble became less and less.

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Gambling On Roulette Tables

Over the last 5 years I must have lost over £50,000 on gambling. The stress of gambling was making me ill. I neglected every aspect of my life because of this. A week after my treatment I deliberately went into the bookies to see what would happen. I could see other people gamble but not once was I tempted to place a bet. In the past if I ever went to the bookies I would play and nothing could tear me away from playing roulette until I had lost all my money. I now have a life thanks to you.

Sunny H, Student, WolverhamptonQuitting

Gambling Addiction

I just wanted to update you on my progress since June 2012. You'll be delighted to hear that since I last saw you my life has changed for the better and gambling is out of my life for good. I have not relapsed since and the very thought of gambling makes me sick. I would like to thank you for your help and for seeing me when I needed you most. Without you and the support of my family, who have been incredible, I would never have been able to release those demons and overcome my addiction.

Edward P, City Trader, London

Gambling Addiction (Online)

You,without a shadow of a doubt saved my son from the evils and destitute life of gambling. He has a very active social life [now], rather then being a secret reclusive gambler. He [has] gained his confidence back and is managing his finances really well. Thank you.

Donna C For Son Ben T, Coach, London

Gambling & Alcohol

Being a sceptical person I didn’t think that Hypnosis and a Bioresonance machine would ever stop me drinking. How wrong was I! I haven’t even had the urge to sit down and mellow with a pint or two. As to the thought of gambling and going to a Casino the thought is just not there, I feel it would be just a waste of time, previously I would be checking matches on line, reading the racing form and having a flutter, but now I am just not interested. You just wiped the hunger for Alcohol and Gambling away. I am very pleased – thank you

Andrew, Business Owner, Bournmouth

Conquering an addiction to gambling can be one of the most challenging of all. Unlike other addictions with their guaranteed downside, with gambling there is always the hope of an upside – if only you keep on a little bit longer. It does not help that there are hundreds of completely legal temptations placed in your path daily, which somehow make gambling feel very ‘normal’ and as if everyone is doing it. Trust me, everyone is not!

Lottery, betting shops, casinos, scratch cards and bingo halls all populate our high streets, our computers and now even our mobile telephones. Gambling accounts for a huge and growing proportion of TV and internet advertising – there are even gambling channels on TV – and you can’t go to a supermarket to buy food without walking past a Lottery and scratch card counter.

As with any addiction, a gambling addict’s first step must be to admit honestly to themselves that they have a problem. The definition of a ‘problem’ is wide-ranging and spans spending more time than you really feel is wise, or fair to your family or friends, on any sort of gambling (including the ‘respectable’ type of stock market or commodity ‘margin’ trading, which is of course gambling) through to risking money you cannot afford – in the hope of that one Big Win that will solve all your problems and prove you were ‘right’ all along. The more we lose and are proved ‘wrong’, the more we crave the ‘win’ that will make it all okay again.

But here is the key question: why do people ruin their lives (and the lives of those close to them) by doing something they absolutely know from bitter experience is going to leave them broke, broken and even wanting to die? The answer is Intermittent Reinforcement.

Intermittent Reinforcement

This is what happens when rules, rewards etc. are handed out (or enforced) inconsistently and occasionally. It is a psychological reality that this (far more than positive reinforcement) encourages people (and animals) to keep pushing until they get what they want. Experiments with animals show that if a behaviour is intermittently reinforced (such as a chicken pecking at a button and occasionally getting a reward in the form of a treat) this behaviour will prevail for much longer after the reward is completely withdrawn than if it had been consistently reinforced by e.g. a reward on every try, which even chickens find boring after a while!

So, intermittent reinforcement affects the way we think about rewards. Consider slot machines, programmed to keep a small percentage (usually 5-25%) of the money and pay out the rest in ‘random’ winnings and jackpots. If the pay-outs were predictable (if, say, on every play the gambler entered £1 and got back 90 pence), the odds would be the exactly same, but the gambler would quickly get bored and annoyed. What gets (and keeps) people hooked is the frequent small pay-outs (2-10 times the bet), the occasional medium sized pay-outs (50-100 times the bet) and the dream of the rare pay-out (over 1000 times the bet) – or even the actual Jackpot. This equally applies to the winning ‘outsider’ at race tracks. Most people will feed small and medium-sized winnings straight back into the gambling process and keep playing until they go broke. That's how intermittent reinforcement works. Slot machines account for approximately 70% of casino earnings.

There is light at the end of the ever-narrowing tunnel that is gambling!

Life after quitting gambling advice

If you are one of the unfortunate people caught up in a pattern of the intermittent reinforcement that characterises all types of gambling activity, you will be pleased to learn that, although gambling addiction is so hard to overcome on your own, it is actually quite easy to recover from with the right support.

Our unique therapy can deal with the addictive/compulsive side of recovery in as little as 30 minutes (we will explain this to you). However, dealing with the emotional part of the condition can take up to a year (during which you will come for treatment every three months). The most extensive (and therefore expensive) programme we run is for emotional problems. If you enrol on this and also have problems with alcohol (gambling and alcohol problems often go hand in glove), we include getting you off alcohol free of any extra charge. This can be very important because alcohol weakens the will and drives people to give in to urges they would be able to resist when sober.

So what stops gamblers seeking help?

FEAR Stops People Seeking Help – fear it’s going to be too painful or too difficult to give up gambling
Most people who want to quit don’t even try to do so because of FEAR – fear it’s going to be too painful or too difficult – or too expensive when that particular sum of money might be the very one needed to hit that seductive and elusive Jackpot. They sink into a resigned despair and just wish they’d never started to gamble. If they are totally honest with themselves, they can admit they do NOT want to stop. What they actually crave is to be able to keep doing it and WIN. They usually cannot even see the non-monetary costs they’re paying until they begin to clear the compulsive fog from their minds. This is a large part of what our therapy does – it clears the fog and gives you a breathing space in which to make rational decisions based on logic rather than the miss-placed, optimism that keeps gamblers coming back again and again.
Obviously therefore any method that fails to deal with the mental/emotional part of the illness (for it does qualify to be called an illness, and treated as one) tends to be futile, and that’s the reason the majority of gambling support and rehab programmes actually fail.
'Gambling on the roulette tables was running my life. I would get paid and then be drawn to the roulette table where I would lose all my money. I would feel physically sick after losing all my money and become depressed and promise myself I would never gamble again. The following week I would end up gambling again. After my first treatment session I had lost all compulsion to gamble… I now have a life thanks to you.' Andrew. Birmingham.
FEAR – 'I am going to miss gambling”
This is again an irrational fear. If you think about it, why would you miss anything if your unconscious mind does not want you to have it? Did you miss gambling before you got addicted to gambling? After successful therapy you will not miss anything, not a sausage! In fact you will feel totally liberated from the slavery of gambling.

'I just wanted to thank you for what you have done for me. I have not had any urge to gamble, not even thought about it. It's been great. I don't know what you have done, but it certainly worked.' Martin, Birmingham

“I have money to burn, but no money for the quit gambling therapy”

A potential client was describing to me the misery that his years of gambling addiction had brought to his life. Depression, a prison sentence, and many other effects of addiction. He now receives disability benefits which total £1200 a month, but over £800 of this is spent on gambling. I explained that my charge for treatment, which this person can easily recover in a week. I also gave a back up guarantee for 12 months included in that price, with after care and support included. His reaction was to terminate the call. This proved the power that addiction has in taking the rational choice and clear thinking away from the sufferer, and I have found this to be a familiar reaction and pattern of thought in gambling addicts.

Let us ask you a hypothetical question? If someone could get you to quit gambling tomorrow, and ensure you stay quit for 12-months, could you save £70 per month by not gambling? Well, if answer is yes, then what's stopping you from contacting us and letting us help you quit gambling? We are willing to take a chance that we may never get paid, are you willing to take a chance on us? To book a session we will need a very small non-refundable deposit of £120 (if we didn't do this you may not even turn up) and £70 per month over 12-months. As long as you keep paying us, we will make sure you don't start gaming again over the 12-month period. So, how much money could you save over 12-monthis by not gambling?
If you fall off the wagon after the 12-month period then you just pay us for one session to quit gambling again - in this way we can keep you quit for life. The only way you can fail with this programme is to leave prematurely, in that case our fee is not a cost but an investment beyond measure. How much money could you save by not gambling over a lifetime?

If you are on the other side of the planet, and you still want to quit gambling, then we have also solved this problem. Our one-on-one customised therapy is the best, but it's still entirely possible to quit in your home using the awesome power of your mind together with quantum healing that transcends both space and time (works even if you were on planet Mars).
Don't let the greedy bookies steal all of your money. Call now!

Never bail out a gambler

The best method to help a gambler is for someone to sponsor him or her and pay for the therapy they need to quit. Then the gambler can pay back the sponsor from the money saved as a non-gambler. Apart from helping someone pay to quit gambling you should never fall into the trap of bailing out a gambler or paying off his debits - because by doing that you are endorsing the habit that you are trying to discourage.
The government does not allow a gambler to go bankrupt. This is because by the very nature of the condition if they can write off their debts then they can create more debt and continue to cheat people by borrowing more even when they are not able to it pay back. Now, if the government does not allow a gambler to go bankrupt then why would you try and bail out a gambling addict? If you keep bailing out a gambler then they will also get you into a big financial mess and you will probably never get your money back. Kick them out of the house if you have to, disown them, but NEVER bail them out.

Can we get people to quit gambling in a day?

Yes we can! We follow our clients progress and rather than taking their word for it, using face-to-face interviews to track their progress. We found that in the past year alone, everyone who did what they were told, and did not abort the programme prematurely, quit gambling with our help. The vast majority of people quit gambling in just one two-hour session, but a few needed more help which we provided without extra charge.
* People who do not abort the programme prematurely.

Here are some of people who have quit gambling with our help.

Scroll through more testimonials here

  • 'After the first session three weeks ago, I have lost all compulsion to gamble'

    Sunny Testimonial

    “Hi my name is Sunny. My sister heard about Shokat from a friend and then read more about him on the internet. My mum and dad then bought me to see Shokat and also helped me to finance the programme.”
    Over the last 5 years I must have lost over £50,000 on gambling. The stress of gambling was making me ill. I neglected every aspect of my life because of this.
    Gambling on the roulette tables was running my life. I would get paid and then be drawn to the roulette table where I would lose all my money. I would feel physically sick after losing all my money and become depressed and promise myself I would never gamble again. The following week I would end up gambling again.
    After the first session three weeks ago, I have lost all compulsion to gamble. I have been surprised it has been that easy. A week after my treatment I deliberately went into the bookies to see what would happen. I could see other people gamble but not once was I tempted to place a bet. In the past if I ever went to the bookies I would play and nothing could tear me away from plying roulette until I had lost all my money. I now have a life thanks to you'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Sunny stopped gambling with Life Principles help.

    Quit Gambling 1 - After the first session three weeks ago, I have lost all compulsion to gamble

  • 'I tired every method to quit and failed until I came to see Shokat'

    Jason Testimonial

    'My name is Jason, I started gambling from the age of 12. I tired every method to quit and failed until I came to see Shokat'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Jason quit gambling with help form Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 10 - My name is Jason, I started gambling from the age of 12

  • 'I was around the roulette table and I did not feel like placing a bet'

    Raj Testimonial

    “I came to see you on the 21/08/2009 to quit drinking, smoking and gambling. That night I went to a wedding and even though there was a lot of alcohol being served, I had no inclination to drink. Later on, I was around the roulette table and I did not feel like placing a bet. I still had a slight craving for a cigarette and smoked about three cigarettes later on that day. However, by the next morning (after a sleep cycle) my desire for the cigarettes had evaporated into thin air.

    By the time I came back for my third session I had decided that smoking was not a problem and I wanted to continue with this but Gambling was history. Also, as my gambling was driving me to the alcohol I had become a very responsible drinker after quitting gambling.

    I am very happy with the way things have gone”

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Raj quit gambling with the help of Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 14 - I was around the roulette table and I did not feel like placing a bet

  • 'The thought of gambling and going to a Casino the thought is just not there'

    Andrew Testimonial

    “Dear Shokat,

    It has been two weeks now since I last saw you and I have to say that being a sceptical person I didn’t think that Hypnosis and a Bioresonance machine would ever stop me drinking. How wrong was I! I haven’t even had the urge to sit down and mellow with a pint or two.”
    I came to see you, as I knew I was on a destructive path and quite frankly it wasn’t going to be all that long before there was a serious repercussion of one sort or the other. I knew it was out of hand. I knew I had to do something about it and it was only the intervention of my wife, who reads everything and that by chance she came across your advertisement and read all about you. So here I am, already back on my fitness routine, back in full control and feeling extremely good about everything.
    I have been in the bar and didn’t even flinch. I tell people I don’t drink and I have a pint of water. I should have stopped years ago, but I didn’t. However, you helped me and I am very grateful. Personally, I think it was money well spent and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to stop. Make it easier on yourself, go see Shokat. Thank you once again.
    As to the thought of gambling and going to a Casino the thought is just not there, I feel it would be just a waste of time, previously I would be checking matches on line, reading the racing form and having a flutter, but now I am just not interested. You just wiped the hunger for Alcohol and Gambling away. Initially I knew I needed help with the alcohol but I got assistance on the gambling front too.

    I am very pleased – thank you”

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Andrew quit gambling with help form Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 2 - The thought of gambling and going to a Casino the thought is just not there

  • 'I didn't have the need to put money in slot machines which I usually do'

    Alan Wallis Testimonial

    Video testimonial.

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Adam Quit gambling with Life Principles in one session with the utmost ease.
    Hypnosis is the last resort and works extremely well with your desire. So if you have a burning desire to be free from the slavery if gambling and are hypnotisable then you have got it made.

    Quit Gambling 7 - Eighteen year old teenager quits gambling with our help

  • 'Really enjoying life without the horrible addiction'

    Steven Testimonial

    'Hi Shokat,
    Just a little update as to how I’m getting on with my gambling addiction since I seen you. I have not gambled or had the urge to gamble since I came down and seen you for treatment. I feel really good about it and i have been in the company of my mates in the pub who have been gambling. Usually i would off been gambling with them and loosing a fortune and going home with a sore head and be really crabbit about it.
    My partner says she can see a really big difference in my moods and she can even see I have a different approach towards her and that is because I’m not getting up in the morning and thinking about nothing else but gambling.

    Really enjoying life without the horrible addiction'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Steven quit gambling with help from Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 4 - Really enjoying life without the horrible addiction

  • 'I have lost all compulsion to gamble'

    Jason (from Stourbridge - West Midlands) Testimonial

    'No control of Money. Feeling depressed after gambling. Heightened Stress. Sense it might destroy family. Feel out of control. Gambling is driving me crazy.

    That was a month ago before I came to see Shokat. Now I have absolutely no compulsion to gamble.

    I went to the casino the other day and I saw someone lose £3,500 on the roulette machine and even though I had £300 with me I had no compulsion to place a bit - this would have been impossible only a few weeks ago.

    I now look forward to my luggage of life programme in a week’s time.

    I have lost all compulsion to gamble'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Jason quit gambling with the help pif Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 11 - I have lost all compulsion to gamble

  • 'By the time of the second session I had saved enough money to pay my brother the money for the therapy in full'

    Andrew (from Birmingham) Testimonial

    'Hi my name is Andrew,

    My sister saw Shokat on the T.V. and then read more about it on the internet. My brother in law then bought me to see Shokat and also helped me to finance the programme. Over the last 10 years I must have lost over £100,000 on gambling. The stress of gambling was making me ill. I neglected every aspect of my life because of this.

    Gambling on the roulette tables was running my life. I would get paid and then be drawn to the roulette table where I would lose all my money. I would feel physically sick after losing all my money and become depressed andpromise myself I would never gamble again. The following week I would end up gambling again.

    After the first session three weeks ago, I have lost all compulsion to gamble. I have been surprised it has been that easy. A week after my treatment I deliberately went into the bookies to see what would happen. I could see other people gamble but not once was I tempted to place a bet. In the past if I ever went to the bookies I would play and nothing could tear me away from plying roulette until I had lost all my money. I now have a life thanks to you.

    With Shokat's help I quit gambling after the very first session. By the time of the second session I had saved enough money to pay my brother the money for the therapy in full.

    It's been a over a year now and I have no desire to gamble'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Andrew quit gambling with the help of Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 8 - By the time of the second session I had saved enough money to pay my brother the money for the therapy in full

  • 'I have saved more than I paid for the treatment by not gambling'

    Julie (from Northampton) Testimonial

    'Hi Shokat. Just a short email to let you know how I am doing. The good news is that I have not gambled since I came to see you, I still think about it but I have had a few opportunities to do it and have not - this has surprised me. Already, I have saved more then I paid for the treatment by not gambling.

    My family who were in despair are delighted with the results.

    Yours Gratefully'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Julie quit gambling with Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 12 - I have saved more than I paid for the treatment by not gambling

  • 'It’s like I have been given a new lease of life'

    Amrik (from London) Testimonial

    'Before the treatment: I (Amrik) lost so much money on gambling…(sobbing)...I have been gambling for 10 years and I found there was no real help out there. I had counselling, several times…that didn’t help. The counsellor told me that the ‘root cause’ of my problem could be related to the death of my mother; but what use was this knowledge if I still continued to gamble? I was put on anti-depressants…which made me drowsy…but it did not take away the compulsion to gamble.

    When I lost thousands of pounds through internet gambling, I tried to kill myself. My doctor told me that if I ever tried to take my life again, he will have me committed. I am now at my wits end. I just don’t know what to do anymore.

    It’s been over two months since I had my treatment with Shokat. After the first session, I lost the compulsion to gamble. After the second session, I came to terms with my mother’s death.

    It’s like I have been given a new lease of life.

    I just can’t thank-you enough'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Amrik quit gambling with the help of Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 9 - It’s like I have been given a new lease of life

  • 'I’m leading a more stress free and productive lifestyle, with no urges to gamble or thought of get rich quick plans or calculations'

    Donna (Ben's mum) Testimonial

    'Hi Shokat,
    I’m just emailing to thank you for your help, as when I came to you I was in desperate need of help. As far as the sleeping goes I’m finding that a lot easier now and I’m leading a more stress free and productive lifestyle, with no urges to gamble or thought of get rich quick plans or calculations. Anyway as it has been 2 weeks that is why I’m giving you an update.
    Kind regards Ben.
    Hi Shokat,
    It’s been 2 weeks now and so far so good. Ben has been a lot happier and seems to be enjoying playing football again which is what he gave up while he gambled. He is also spending more time with his friends. I will keep you updated'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Ben quit gambling with the help of Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 6 - I’m leading a more stress free and productive lifestyle, with no urges to gamble or thought of get rich quick plans or calculations

  • 'Twenty year gambling addiction vanished in just one powerful hypnotherapy session'

    Robert (from Birmingham) Testimonial

    'Dear Ali,

    I can't thank you enough for your time and help yesterday. I feel a calm I haven't felt for ages. I feel my body and mind is processing the messages and hence I am thinking a lot about gambling but not in the way that is compelling me to gamble but in a behavioural way in terms of repeating some of the phrases you give me.

    Thank you so much again.

    I will see you soon with some money at my next session. I believe I won't gamble but I guess just a little apprehensive about relapsing in the future but not scared.

    Thanks again'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Robert quit gambling with the help of Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 5 - Twenty year gambling addiction vanished in just one powerful hypnotherapy session

  • 'People have been gambling around me but I have had no urge to gamble'

    Steven Testimonial

    'A quick update, I'm heading offshore today. I have not gambled since I have seen you and I have been in company drinking where guys have been gambling. I feel brilliant for it'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Steven quit gambling with help from Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 3 - People have been gambling around me but I have had no urge to gamble

  • 'I should have stopped gambling years ago, but I didn't'

    Andrew Testimonial

    'I should have stopped years ago, but I didnt. However,you helped me and I am very grateful. Personally, I think it was moneywell spent and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to stop.

    Make iteasier on yourself, go see Shokat.

    Thank you once again”

    'As to the thought of gambling and going to a Casino the thought is just not there, I feel it would be just a waste of time, previously I would be checking matches on line, reading the racing form and having a flutter, but now I am just not interested.

    You just wiped the hunger for Alcohol and Gambling away.

    Initially I knew I needed help with the alcohol but I got assistance on the gambling front too.

    I am very pleased - thank you'

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Andrew quit gambling with help from Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 13 - I should have stopped years ago, but I didnt

  • 'You also helped me quit drinking and gambling free of charge'

    James (from Sussex) Testimonial

    I have been snorting cocaine since the age of 16. I have been to a two week rehab (£8,000) and relapsed after a month and half. I had one session of hypnosis which lasted a day. I had six months of counselling and managed to abstain for three weeks. Then I had 5 sessions of bioresonance (cost thousands) in Harley Street and started taking cocaine after one week (bloody crooks). I also admitted myself into the Priory for three weeks – they were RUBBISH!

    I quit snorting cocaine with you in the very first session.

    When I came back two years later, you also helped me quit drinking and gambling free of charge. My wife and I are more than willing to give you a glowing video testimonial during our next check-up date.

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    James quit drinking with the help of Life Principles.

    Quit Drinking 8 - You also helped me quit drinking and gambling free of charge

  • 'I didn’t think that Hypnosis and a Bioresonance machine would ever stop me drinking (and gambling). How wrong was I'

    Andrew Testimonial

    “Dear Shokat,

    It has been two weeks now since I last saw you and I have to say that being a sceptical person I didn’t think that Hypnosis and a Bioresonance machine would ever stop me drinking. How wrong was I! I haven’t even had the urge to sit down and mellow with a pint or two.

    I came to see you, as I knew I was on a destructive path and quite frankly it wasn’t going to be all that long before there was a serious repercussion of one sort or the other. I knew it was out of hand. I knew I had to do something about it and it was only the intervention of my wife, who reads everything and that by chance she came across your advertisement and read all about you.

    So here I am, already back on my fitness routine, back in full control and feeling extremely good about everything. I have been in the bar and didn’t even flinch. I tell people I don’t drink and I have a pint of water.

    I should stopped years ago, but I didn’t. However, you helped me and I am very grateful. Personally, I think it was money well spent and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to stop. Make it easier on yourself, go see Shokat. Thank you once again.

    As to the thought of gambling and going to a Casino the thought is just not there, I feel it would be just a waste of time, previously I would be checking matches on line, reading the racing form and having a flutter, but now I am just not interested.

    You just wiped the hunger for Alcohol and Gambling away. Initially I knew I needed help with the alcohol but I got assistance on the gambling front too.

    I am very pleased – thank you”

    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Andrew quit drinking and gambling with help from Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 16 - I didn’t think that Hypnosis and a Bioresonance machine would ever stop me drinking (and gambling). How wrong was I

  • 'I want to do this more than anything in the world right now'

    Craig Jones Testimonial

    Hi Shokat

    I just wanted to say wat a pleasure it was to meet you yesterday.

    I can't thank you enough for wat you did and I'm already feeling so positive and feel in a much better place, I want to do this more than anything in the world right now. The way I feel now, I will achieve my success with your help, I look forward to speaking to you in two weeks.


    Comment: Shokat Ali - Life Principles

    Craig quick gambling with help from Life Principles.

    Quit Gambling 17 - already feeling so positive and feel in a much better place

Now, moving on to our safe holistic methods:

Overcoming any addiction with our system is much easier because it affords true freedom at all levels: Bioresonance + Laser + Solid Hypnotherapy + Luggage of Life Programme = TRUE MENTAL, PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL FREEDOM! Because this system also deals with the HABIT you don’t put on weight or become depressed after you overcome your addiction.

By the way, we deal with every other addiction apart from heroin in exactly the same way. So whatever the problem, overweight, cigarettes, spiffs, cocaine, crack, ketamine, designer drugs, alcohol or gambling then your search is over.

Other methods of giving up gambling

Life After Quitting Gambling Advice

Giving up alone is not impossible with the help of a support network and advice from professionals. However, it is incredibility difficult...

Life After Quitting Gambling Winnings

Rehabs, NHS and Government Quangos
Rehabs are very expensive (£10,000 to £20,000) and use the 12-step programme, which for the vast majority of people simply does not work. Many people start gambling within weeks or months of coming out. For a gambler who has already lost a fortune this adds insult to injury.
The NHS has no real answers but your GP may proceed to put you on a six month course of anti-depressants or beta-blocks. This will make you feel a lot worse but will stop you gambling. Taking such dangerous drugs could also have serious health repercussions. Life after quitting gambling advice
Government Quangos like Gordon House or Aquarius work in a very similar way to the charities like GA where you have to listen to other peoples problems but they don't make it easy for you to quit gambling.
Counselling, CBT, Mindfullness
The problem with counselling, CBT or Mindfulness is that these techniques get you to understand your problem but they do not make it easy for you to quit gambling. Anything that does not work at the unconscious mind cannot make the processes of quitting easy, or give you the necessary willpower to stay quit, or help you to come to terms with the money you have lost - therefore these methods do not work. Also, it can cost you between £1,000 to £2,000 for the 6-12 months of treatment, which is a lot of money if you don't get any redeeming value out of the programme, plus the earnings lost through repeat visits to the counselling sessions.
Some of our clients have had six months to a year of counselling, CBT or mindfulness and have quit for a few weeks to months but have ultimately returned to gambling.
Gamblers Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) provides a common meeting place where you can share problems and solutions to the difficult challenges ahead. Unlike drug or alcohol addiction where medication is available to discourage your addiction, giving up gambling ultimately requires will power and a change in the way you view the world. Therefore this method does not work for the vast majority of people.

This is a charity setup by the bookies themselves to help people quit gambling. You are effectively locked up for three months away from your family and loved ones. When in the house, you are not allowed to gamble, but if you do, then you are asked to leave. After three months people come out, and when left unsupervised, they revert back to gambling within days or weeks again. Although the attrition rate (relapse rate) is awful, it's not a bad place to start if you are undergoing a financial meltdown and have nowhere to turn to. We do a far better job in just one two-hour session at a fraction of the cost.

These methods when combined with other things can be effective for emotional problems and habits. However, most hypnotherapists are pretty useless with gambling addiction – you need to go to a really good hypnotherapist and be willing to pay a decent amount of money for their help. A really good hypnotherapist is worth their weight in gold.

Life Principles Combined System
It does not matter how much you are gambling or for how long. Everyone quits gambling with us as long as they do not abort the programme prematurely.
Hypnosis works extremely well with your desire. So if you have a burning desire to be free from the slavery of gambling and are hypnotisable then the programme can be successful. If you can sleep then you can be hypnotised – we can hypnotise over 95% of the people with our unique overnight stay programme and the remaining 5% using our three day programme – it’s impossible to fail with our help. Not only do we use our unique hypnosis to help you quit, but also a combination of NLP, Timeline, Clean Language, Blue-Light-Healing, laser and a Bioresonance system (we don't publish all of our secrets).
If you can follow simple instructions (are teachable), can do as you are told and do not abort the programme prematurely, then it is virtually impossible to fail. We never give up on our clients unless they give up on themselves. Therefore, the word 'failure' is simply not part of our vocabulary.
You will lose all desire to gamble in the first two-hour session. It will be fast, easy, effortless like a light switch has just gone off in your mind. Also, your willpower will be boosted vastly making it easy for you to turn your back on your self-destructive behaviour(s). That night and every night you will sleep like a baby. In the second session we will re-enforce the suggestions, then remove all negative emotions from your past. We will help you come to terms with your losses, making you more emotionally resilient so you can cope with life without your 'emotional crutch' or 'the urge to gamble' or 'the urge to win back your losses'.
With our multi-disciplined approach you will not suffer from any unwanted side effects such as putting on weight or becoming depressed or both. After successful therapy session you will not only lose all desire to gamble, but you will also experience an incredible freedom from the slavery of gambling, and as time goes along, you will spend less and less time thinking about it. Even if you have an occasional slip-up, you will still not revert to the way you were before the therapy as it takes time, effort, and repetition to undo the therapy. However, as we look after your for 12-months at no extra charge, you can simply call us, and in one free two-hour session lose all your desire to gamble.
If you quit with a rehab and relapse, then you have to re-enter the programme in its entirety, costing a fortune. If you go through the NHS or any of the government programmes and relapse, then they will keep you on a waiting list from 6-12 months, before you can re-enter the programme. With us, even after the 12-month guarantee, if you ever relapse, you simply pay us for one session and we get you to quit gambling again as easily as the first time.
'I just wanted to update you on my progress since I last saw you 6 months ago. I have to say that the last session
we did truly helped me and I believe that I was under deep hypnosis compared to the first time I saw you.

You'll be delighted to hear that since I last saw you my life has changed for the better and gambling is out of my
life for good. I have not relapsed since and the very thought of gambling makes me sick. I would like to thank you
for your help and for seeing me when I needed you most. Without you and the support of my family, who have
been incredible, I would never have been able to release those demons and overcome my addiction.

I'm moving back to Dubai in the next couple of weeks to start a new job that I've been offered and I couldn't be
happier!! In time, I will be making a donation to you and your company for the support and great work you did to
help me overcome my addiction. I will happily recommend your services to anybody who has similar addictions
and I will tell them that you are the right person to see.

Thanks again for all your help and I will be more than happy to give you a testimonial.

Contact us now and get ready to place your last bet. Call now!

How the NHS treats gambling addiction compared to people like us?

Lets look at the NHS website and see what they have to say about gambling addiction:

Gambling addiction
There's evidence that gambling can be successfully treated in the same way as other addictions. Cognitive behavioural therapy usually has the best results.
Specialised addiction services that mainly focus on substance misuse often treat gambling problems, too. They use the same techniques to treat gambling addictions that they use to treat substance misuse.
If you go to your doctor and tell him or her that you have a gambling problem they will tell you that the NHS has no clear answers for this. They may ask you to go and see the Gamblers Anonymous, tell you to stop using gambling sites or to simply pull yourself together. Some doctors will proceed to put you on a course of anti-depressants or/and beta-blockers, which will not stop you from gambling. Or they may ask you to go and see a counselor for six months (which will cost you about £1,000). At the end of that, the therapy will help you understand your addiction but will not make it easy to quit gambling.
Gambling is a processes addiction rather than a substance addiction and the NHS has no protocol for processes addictions. Treating processes addictions with the methods used to treat substance addictions just doesn't work. After a successful hypnotherapy session, which can takes about 30 minutes (the rest of the time is used to take a client into a trance and setup the machines), the client becomes totally indifferent to the condition and can walk away easily. Nothing works as fast and as effectively as deep hypnosis for gambling addiction.
How does our system differ from others?
The system we have developed works every single time, because it combines a low-level laser system, several information medicine systems that cost over £100,000 (including two bioresonance systems) and very deep structured hypnosis. Our hypnosis system has evolved beyond the traditional clinical hypnosis and this is why we take 180 minutes per session instead of 30-60 minutes used in clinical hypnotherapy. In this time, using a special deepening system you can hypnotise an elephant let alone a human. It works for even the most extremely hardened gamblers.
Relapse Rates
With traditional methods when someone starts gambling again after successfully quitting and enters the programme again the second time relapse rate can be almost 100%. Each relapse after that it's even worse. With our programme the system is just as effective on the first session as it is on the 100th session. People quit every single time. There are a handful of people who have quit gambling and come back over 10 times after relapsing, but who have still been able to stop gambling with us every single time. No NHS programme or rehabs can match that.
Also, with the NHS you have to wait at least six months before you can re-enter the programme. With the rehabs you have to pay the full amount and lose a few weeks of your liberty. With us, you pay for just one session and quit again, it really is that simple and easy.
Is the treatment provided by the medical profession essential or necessary?
Who is to decide which treatment is essential or necessary? Decreasing the quality of your life by taking pharmaceutical drugs with proven dangerous side effects is neither essential nor necessary. Addictions, insomnia, etc cannot easily be 'cured' this way. Doctors themselves, in published literature, admit this:

'A leading British doctor and author of 'Doctors, Lies & Addiction Bureaucracy', Dr. Dalrymple argues that his profession has totally misunderstood addiction & continues to perpetuate the myth to protect its own existence. As a result, a self-serving, self-perpetuating and completely useless medical bureaucracy has built up to deal with the problem.'
‘Junk Medicine, Doctors, Lies & Addiction Bureaucracy' by Theodore Dalrymple; 27th August 2007.

As the NHS has no statistics for gambling addiction, so lets look at an example like quitting smoking cigarettes: In the year 2011 the NHS saw 800,000 people to quit smoking. In that year alone, it has cost the NHS a staggering £500 x 800,000 = £400,000,000 which has been shared between the patient's GP, the smoking caesarian counselor and the drug companies. So over eight years, it has cost the taxpayer 3.2 billion pounds for something that only has a long term success rate of just two percent. No wonder the NHS is always short of money.
Upton Sinclair — 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.'
Now that might explain why the NHS can never find well conducted scientific studies on the effectiveness of hypnosis to help people quit gambling - we found several well conducted studies on hypnosis to stop gambling without even trying. There are people who have also pioneered other non-drug methods such as bioresonance to help people quit gambling but as yet have not published papers on the subject.
Life After Quitting GamblingHypnosis for pathological gambling
Hypnosis for Gambling Addiction
Quitting gambling using our multi-discipled approach has a far higher success rate then any NHS or drug based method:
We have provided a very detailed submission of our results where we have demonstrated an almost 100% success rate charted over 12 months of our combined system. In the vast majority of cases people quit gambling in just one two-hour session. Compare this to the NHS who don't even know how to deal with gambling addiction let alone collect some statistics. We conduct face-to-face interviews and follow ups, the NHS rely on telephone interviews where the patient can be embarrassed to speak the truth. Also, our methods are harmless; the NHS’ drug based methods can be potentially dangerous.
Do we discourage essential and necessary treatment?
Not at all and we have no intention of doing that. We offer an alternative treatment alongside the statuary provisions that are safer, more effective and much faster at a fraction of the cost.
People only go private and pay for the treatment after they have failed repeatedly on the NHS and with the methods used by the medical profession. No one enjoys paying money to quit gambling when they can do that free on the NHS. These people only turn to alternative treatments when the orthodox treatments have failed them over and over again. About 1% of the people we see have not gone through the NHS before coming to see us. No one can discourage anyone from taking advantage of their statutory provisions, which is everyone’s right in the UK.
Gambling Addiction Treatment - The NHS vs Life Principles (us!):
The NHS methods can be dangerous - our methods are safe;
The NHS method is very long winded - ours is extremely fast;
The NHS' relapse rate is high - our relapse rate is almost non-existent;
The NHS method of measuring success is unscientific - our method of measuring success is highly scientific;
The NHS can spend thousands on each patient to get them to quit gambling - we charge a fraction of that;
The NHS has no idea how long people quit gambling after their treatment - we chart the successes of our clients over 12 months;
The NHS do not provide value for money - we provide outstanding value for money;
Do we need a new criteria for measuring success in the NHS?
If the criterion for success 50% of gamblers is to stay quit over 12-months, the NHS methods wouldn't be able to meet it. Then not with a single counselor, doctor or pharmacist would get paid. If it wasn't for big pharmaceutical companies being in charge, the NHS would endorse clinics like ours and we would be able to help more people quit, stay quit longer and save the tax payer money!
Our campaign for justice in the health industry
The shortcomings in the heath industry was covered by our campaign in 2010 where we wrote to everyone in Government including The Prime Minister, David Cameron, people in The House of Lords and finally Her Majesty The Queen.
The first link is a letter about the problems in the medical profession and the NHS and why state funded monopolies are bad for us. The second link is a response from Buckingham Palace.

A Letter to Her Majesty The Queen
The response from Buckingham Palace

'Hi Shokat , hope you are well?
Sorry I havent emailed you till now I've been on nights this week so I've been sleeping during the day! Things are going well for me with the gambling I've not had any feelings or urges to gamble since i came to see you :-) my main focus now is to be happy, get myself out of debt & look forward to a nice future with my partner & child.

As one of our clients said: 'I have been struggling with my gambling addiction for over 25 years and have lost over £100,000. I have tried everything from the NHS, to counselling, to the GA to rehabs and nothing worked. I came here in utter desperation and what you did to me amazed and astonished me, I lost the desire to gamble instantly and have not looked back since. Why don't the-so-called professionals in the NHS tell you about this sort of therapy, because if I had known about this earlier, I could have saved years of misery.' You can do the same, why waste time with ineffective methods when you can quit gambling in two hours without even trying? Call now!
Our Fees
Prices are listed on page 15 of our brochure shown below:
Our Brochure And Price List
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We will never turn away any business so make us an offer.
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We can help anyone in the world quit just about anything. Please email us for further information.
Want to know how we achieve such a fantastic success rate?
We are not like any other addictions clinic, want to know more click here

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